Vacation at home
Our Guarantee Seal

Who is Intervac International ...

  • Founded in 1953 - We Grow Primarily by Referrals
  • National Representatives in 35 Countries
  • One Global Database With Powerful Search and Match Tools
  • Consistent Personal Service World-Wide

Founded in 1953 - We Grow Primarily by Referrals - Intervac International was started in Europe in 1953 by a group of teachers who were looking for economic means to travel internationally with cultural enrichment by "immersion living" in a community. Very quickly it was realized that this unique way to travel was a superior way to experience new cultures and countries. So the concept has been growing ever since, primarily by referrals from satisfied home exchangers. Currently Intervac's secure online listing service facilitates home exchanges for thousands of families from all walks of life around the world. The name Intervac is made up from words "international" and "vacations" and it has been registered as a trademark in many countries where we operate.

National Representatives in 35 Countries - Intervac operates by appointing exclusive representatives (we call them "Organizers") in key countries who promote the concept of home exchange within their country. INTERVAC uses standard operating methods around the world and our national representations are locally-owned and operated. We believe that our global network of Organizers who live in some 35 countries and know local customs and local language is a significant benefit to our members.

In countries where we are represented we simply call ourselves INTERVAC followed by the country's name. For example we are INTERVAC Austria in Austria, INTERVAC Canada in Canada, INTERVAC France, and so on. The umbrella organization - INTERVAC International - is registered as a non-profit organization in Sweden. Click here to see our National Representatives in 35 countries.

One Global Database With Powerful Search and Match Tools - Most Intervac countries operate their national websites in their own language(s) which are linked to our central international website located at All new Intervac listings are processed through one registration gateway on our central website with links to national payment systems as required by various Intervac countries. All Intervac listings reside on one common database so one online search can find all the listings that meet the user's search criteria.

We facilitate the home exchange process by our powerful online search and matching tools which enable members to find their "perfect match" based on many searchable criteria contained within each listing. For example, personal preferences such as no smoking or no pets are some of the searchable criteria. Our online matchmaking tools include Enhanced Search, Match-Alert, My Favourites, Hot List, Google Maps which locate properties geographically plus several types of exchange transactions. Visitors can search our entire "live" database but of course they cannot see the "member contact" section of listings until they join Intervac. Click Here to Preview Our Live Database

Consistent Personal Service World-Wide - The Intervac organization is led by our Board of Directors who are Intervac Organizers elected at our annual general meetings (AGMs) at locations which rotate through various Organizer's countries. At AGMs your national Organizers elect our Board, develop strategies and action plans as we strive to deliver high-value, consistent service at a reasonable cost to our world-wide membership base.

Our multinational team meets annually when our Organizers take turns to host Intervac's AGMs in their country. The following is the schedule of recent AGMs:

  • 2006 - Greece (AGM 2006)
  • 2007 - Sweden (AGM 2007)
  • 2008 - Great Britain (AGM 2008)
  • 2009 - Norway (AGM2009)
  • 2010 - Portugal - AGM scheduled in April 2010

We invite you to join Intervac so you can vacation in comfort anywhere.... at home.